I've set what feels like an impossible goal for myself and then decided to broadcast it online. Follow along with me, join me, laugh with me (or at me) watch me crash and burn, the possibilities are endless. Here goes nothing...
Monday, May 28, 2012
For the last couple weeks I have been tossing around the idea of joining a triathlon group to help prepare me for my first race and maybe even to help motivate me to keep going beyond that. I was very hesitant to sign up and as a matter of fact I started the registration process no less than 3 times before I finally submitted my information. Even though they say they accept beginner triathletes, I don't feel qualified to join such a group.
I am hoping that by the time I get my membership packet I'll be in decent enough shape to show up for some of the workouts. This really is a step WAY outside of my comfort zone, but I'm hoping it is a step in the right direction.
There is something on the website about race teams, so I think my secret goal will be to qualify to be on one of them at some point, I'm just not going to tell anyone that just yet ;).
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Soundtrack
Something all "real" runners already know, which I have also found to be true, is that the right music can be the difference between a great workout and an ok one. I am constantly changing my running play list as I find new songs that I think will help me and as I tire of others.
I actually have 2 different playlists for exercise, one is my "running" playlist and the other is my "workout" playlist. The running playlist is full of songs with the right beat or ryhthm to help me time my steps. If the beat is too slow, I will slow down, if it is too fast it won't feel just right for my run. I pay very little attention to the lyrics or the quality of the songs that I include in my playlist, because I really am more focused on the tempo. (I'm telling you that because I am embarrassed of some of the songs I listen too ;)
Here is my current running playlist:
Now, for my workouts, the tempo is much less important than the psychological effect of the songs. I have to hear songs that pump me up. Again, some of the songs I have on here are a bit embarrassing, but hey, whatever works!!!
It's not hard to find help with building exercise playlist. Here are some links that have helped me choose songs that I might not have otherwise thought of...
Women's health (exercise playlists)
jog FM (self explanatory)
jog tunes This one helps you find the right music for your pace.
in the gym (for the gym, obviously)
Friday, May 18, 2012
So do you like how I disappeared after I told you I was going to start training? I thought that was pretty awesome too. I didn't flake, I just haven't had time to blog about what I'm doing. I have been running, but I haven't really been following any of the training schedules I've found. Life has been crazy with baseball play-offs and my kids' swim practice, etc. etc. so I've just been getting out when I can. Last weekend, my purse was stolen out of our truck while we were at the hike & bike trails. Normally I would take this as a sign from the universe that I should stay fat and out of shape, but I've already paid for the triathlon (not to mention I've started this blog) so I'll keep going. We'll just call the purse theft "strike one"
In an attempt to take charge of my training, I've started a calendar for myself. Using KeepandShare.com I was going to use my google calendar, but I wasn't sure how to start a new one without it interfering with my existing calendar, so I just looked elsewhere. I've only planned out the rest of May, but I will get to June next weekend. I'm sure I'm not doing it the "right way" but I'm just basing my activities off of the schedules I have seen, while incorporating the activities I am able to do.
I've also embedded a weekly calendar at the top of the blog, which should update automatically. My plan is to strikethrough workouts I actually complete and mark the ones I don't, just to keep a record for myself.
I'm using the Couch to 5K App for my running training. I like it because it tells me when to run and when to walk. I REALLY hate checking my watch for the interval training, so having this app in my ear makes it so much easier! I have used it successfully (if successful = quit with injury during week 8) in the past so it made sense to go back to it again. I think the pool is warm enough to start swimming so I will be doing that this week too. I only wish I could find user friendly training apps for the swimming and biking, but until I do I guess I'll do it the old fashioned way!!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
What I've got
So training officially starts tomorrow (5/7). I've done enough reading/sitting/talking about how I'm doing this triathlon. It's time for some follow through. I found this 10week training schedule and I am going to try to follow it as much as I can. I will probably use a combination of this and the book's training schedules.
As far as equipment, here is what I have:
For swimming:
Our pool is about 20 yards long (this was decided in a very unscientific manner) and I will do most of my swim training here. My plan is to swim, at first, according to times and no pushing off. I'm considering getting a summer pool pass so that I can do some lap swimming, but I have mixed feelings about swimming in the city pool. (that's a lie, my feelings are NOT mixed, I don't want to do it, I'm completely grossed out by it, but it seems a necessary evil).
I also need to get a swim suit,(yes I have a pool and no suit) but I will save that for a later time. For now I have swim shorts and a fitted running tank. I also need to find a way do some open water swimming , so I'm not new to it on race day.
These shoes are nothing fancy, but they are lightweight and flexible.
Though I plan to do the majority of my running outside on gravel trails, I also have a treadmill.

My husband has been using this religiously as he recovers from back surgery. I've used it a few times, and what I really like are the pre-programmed interval workouts. This is always an option for rainy days or when I'm on my own with the kids and can't get out.
This is close to the bike I have. Though mine is a "large" frame (I'm 6'tall, have I mentioned that?). A few years ago we splurged on these bikes at the Bike Barn. At the time I saw no need to have a bike with gears, but now I'm grateful to have it. It is considered a 'fat-tire' bike, but it should help with the daunting 15 mile bike loop that goes over this bridge
and I have a seldom used (though that will change now) membership to anytime fitness, which I will use for strength training.
So, while it's not like I'm fully prepped and ready to go, I do have some resources at my disposal. All I really need is the shoes, access to a pool and a bike. I also need a bike helmet,a good hat and some decent goggles (for now I'm borrowing all 3 from my oldest son). Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Cheat Day!!!
As part of this journey, I am trying to lose weight for many reasons. I actually joined Weight Watchers with a good friend about 3 weeks ago, before I had the triathlon epiphany. I have done Weight Watchers before, but I always quit for one reason or another. This time, I am telling myself that I only have to make it 16 weeks, and then if I want to quit, I will. The idea there is that I should have enough weight loss by then to motivate me to keep going with it.
Losing weight is only going to help me get ready for this triathlon because it will help reduce my times and increase my endurance. The opposite is also true, training for the triathlon will help with the Weight Watcher goals.
Anyway... I do count points and watch what I eat, and I have been losing weight (although this week may not be yield the best results due to a few bumps in the road) BUT Saturday is CHEAT DAY. It is possible that my love of cheat day speaks to a much deeper issue I have with food, but I really don't care because I can eat whatever I want. I don't count points on this day at all, and I tell myself if I want it, I can have it. Now, I don't go crazy because I still have to get my fat ass on the wagon the very next day, but I do free myself of the rules just for this day. This is NOT they way Weight Watchers would want me to reward myself, but so far it is working for me. If I want something that is fattening or otherwise bad for me during the week, I just tell myself I can have it on Saturday, and, usually, I can delay gratification until then. It really is a win win situation. At this point whatever keeps me motivated and moving in the same direction is what I need to do!!!
Workouts start this week, so stay posted. I may even put up a few pictures of myself (I can be really brave while no one is watching).
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
A letter from the voice my head.
Dear Self,
Your fleeting bursts of inspiration are awe inspiring. You forego all logic and reason, in the moment, make a major decision (with little or no research) and decide you will figure out the details later. Yep, you are one amazing woman, and by 'amazing' I mean, "what the hell are you thinking you stupid idiot?"!!!
You haven't run a real mile (you can't count treadmill runs, at least until I can figure out how to make the actual ground move under my feet) in over a year, you've backed out of every single 5K you've signed up for, except the one where you walked the entire thing, and today when you were leaving jury duty, you got winded walking ever-so-slightly uphill back to the parking garage. Signing up for a triathlon was a pretty boneheaded move to make, signing up for an 'open-water' triathlon was a colossal screw-up. BUT, here you are, and your pride will never let you rethink this, reconsider or back out. You're stuck, and in those quiet moments, (you know, the ones where you are consumed with the "holy shit, I'm royally screwed" feeling?) you're going to have to chill the f*ck out and figure out how to make this happen. Good luck sucker!!!
Your self-defeating attitude problem.
Yep, that is pretty much how it goes, and probably a large part of my 'out-of'shape/overweight' problem. It isn't helping that the blogs I am checking out are written by women who are either much younger or in much better shape than me. I haven't even started training yet because I'm afraid that reality won't live up to my expectations. The irony of that statement is not lost on me...
For now, here are some of the blogs that have my mind spinning..
Amateur Triathlete
Triathlete Training Blog
Procrastinator (right up my alley!!)
Today's small victory: I didn't quit, yet...
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